
Visit to Grackisturgh – Contextualization

DM: GeokhanLeader: Twee | 8 Ranger | RCBGriters | 9 Wizard | WadeBalthier |9 Rogue | KonopaHorace | 2 Cleric, 6 Sorcerer| Mountain LordKaladin | 5 Cleric | ChrusTaishina | 6 Paladin | Destrina “While Griters is great at collecting information, sometimes he can...

Gnolls of the Neathy Woods

Adventure arranged by Twee the goblin, inviting, besides myself and Avarace, for Griters the gnome Abjuration Wizard, Dakka Doon the brave goblin Rune Knight, Kaladin the stout halfling life Cleric, Yatari the faithful teifling servant of Asmodeus and Lore Bard and...