by Ramz-E (Vestrivan) | 30-July-2019 | Logs |
DM – Adalyn, Vestrivan, Gorstag, Rael, Piper, Zak I hooked up with a new party of adventures, along with Rael, who I had a previous outing with. We decided to head to the north of the White Cove Bay, since I had been part of the group that had previously... by Chuckles | 28-July-2019 | Logs |
I came down from my room after manufacturing my new turret based off of my miniature and waited for the other members of today’s mission to arrive. After awhile we had all assembled with Khora leading the group. The rest of the party consisted of Piper, Douglas,... by Ramz-E (Vestrivan) | 14-July-2019 | Logs |
I managed to meet up with a couple of fellow adventurers who decided to allow me to join them on a little expedition, looking for the Stone Altar. We decided to visit the Kua-toa village in the nearby lake to see if we could get some information about the altar. As we... by IceforgePiron | 14-July-2019 | Logs |
DM: DGM Nalkris and Avarace joined up with a new group of adventures, some known faces, some he had only briefly seen, but never travelled with before. Ceri, the cleric of Kelemvor, whom he had travelled with before and fought the necromancer warlock withRael Erewyn,... by IceforgePiron | 9-July-2019 | Logs |
Once again I felt the mayor giving me the stink eye and seeing as it was a matter of time before he would come up to me and Avarace and force us to leave town, I decided to find others heading out first, to avoid building up a bad relationship with the mayor. I...