by IceforgePiron | 31-July-2021 | Logs
Adventure arranged by Twee the goblin, inviting, besides myself and Avarace, for Griters the gnome Abjuration Wizard, Dakka Doon the brave goblin Rune Knight, Kaladin the stout halfling life Cleric, Yatari the faithful teifling servant of Asmodeus and Lore Bard and... by IceforgePiron | 20-July-2021 | Logs
Participants:Nalkris the Eladrin, male, normal looking elf except the green-spring like colourations to his skin and hairAvarace, the Jetblack raven familiar granted to Nalkris for his service to the Raven Queen Leofyr – Tallish half-elf, male, wearing a pair of... by IceforgePiron | 24-May-2021 | Logs
DM: Calmseeker Nalkris, Spring Eladrin Servant of the Raven Queen and his raven familiar, AvaraceNuemu, Githyanki Bloodhunter and his friend, Jardeis the wyrmlingHorace, Half-elf Draconic Sorcerer Cleric of TempestCavendish, Aquatic Half-elf Cavalier HexbladeBalthier,... by IceforgePiron | 22-May-2021 | Logs
Nalkris, Eladrin Warlock servant of the Raven Queen and his Raven Avarace Cade, Half-elf Warlock who looks quite young, sparkly starry eyes and his crystal familiar Patrick Murdrum, Half-elf Sorcerer Warlock who has shoulder length white hair, is fairly young and... by IceforgePiron | 16-May-2021 | Logs
Kaladin The HalflingA Little taller than AverageGarGotJavelins on his back, ragged armorGritersSmall deep gnome with a large staff, a green glow surrounds and moves with himMurdrumHalf-elf guy, very slight tan, long white hair, grimson and black mage...