DM: Neal
Session Date: Feb 26, 2022
Twee – “Roland”
Griters – “Bibliothecaris”
Katla – “Ogre”
Gau – “Mr. Rogers”
Mission Report:
Ogre spoke of a past occurrence, a cave leading to a land of Clockwork(Caves, cultists, and clockworks (map version) | Sleeper Island EU), and an artifact found within. The inscription on the back of the vase mentioned a location, to the North: Zelmada. Operatives last visiting encountered significant pushback, but the nature of our mission was simple in structure. We wanted to return the urn to its ancestral homeland, and we knew the vase and the city to be of ancient Tabaxi origin. Additionally, it had become important ‘check-in’ on our lovely serpentine neighbors nearby(.Field Research Journal Entry 33: Zelmada a key to Katashaka’s Past | Sleeper Island EU), especially after our last run in with the Necromantrix Netsoashu (Tomb Clearing the Remake, with Snake People | Sleeper Island EU)
Rogers and Bib ran travel while I, Roland, kept an eye for trouble. Ogre lagged behind and stomped around as per usual. The group traveled northward along the east coast, skirting the edge of former Tikal(Field Research Journal Entry 28: Lizard’s Last Strike | Sleeper Island EU) as we did so. Fae in the area, name given as Prime(Tag 1), warned the forest was on lockdown while we hid out. Rogers wanted to assist her, and press her further, but the creature was soon gone once more.
The next day, as we continued through the jungle, we passed by a Mhair patrol, speaking amongst one another of the political landscape. A rivalry between clans Jennestas and Hsstafi is brewing within the city, apparently both prominent members of their culture.
Just as the group was exiting the jungle, I spotted a fire in the distance. We kept out of sight and didn’t approach, knowing that our journey was already halfway done, but I am reminded of the first attack of the Mhair on the Sarrukh, of the fires described in the ruins. It is hard to be sure all that was lost still. (purple mark below)
Another day up the coast found a small underwater cave. We made note in case it might be a useful staging point in the future, perhaps at low tide it would be an accessible hide out for a similar party. (green mark below)
Not too long after that, we made camp in the northern forest, still taking cover in our hut. In the night, we heard noises, the sounds of hooves, and Ogre was able to hear around seventeen riders on horseback. I climbed a tree stealthily and gazed out on the riders, just barely able to make out an insignia on their cloaks. (see below) They, too, approached Zelmada. I still think we could have intercepted them, but I decided to not engage to ensure the other’s safety.
In the morning, we moved to Zelmada, or at least, the sight last visited… The entire lake bed was covered in an ashy fog that choked your lungs. It is impenetrable to the eye past around fifteen feet from your person, and there are creatures moving in the mist. We kept low, and quiet, taking in the dead city. Murals and graffiti of the lost Tabaxi civilization of the city peppered the landscape, but much of the ruins were empty and lay barren. We could hear the sounds of heavy craftmanship in the distance and piercing violet lightning and fires overhead. Hoofprints, apparently those of the other party visiting the city, were found.
We decided to move into a house, seeing it had not been fully looted as of yet and the ancient vault had not been unlocked. Entering the structure, there was a complicated locking mechanism and a puzzle. Ogre and Bib took to solving it while Rogers and I kept a lookout, and they managed to crack it. I cast Silence on the mechanism from a scroll on my person, and Ogre and Bib dropped into the vault, loaded with riches. They took to looting, but it was not long before a flaming skull of purple hues approached the building. Rogers and I dropped into the vault, warned the other in the mental link, and I cast rope trick to hide the party in a pocket dimension while we gazed out onto the work of the undead, the skull apparently ordering the skeleton peons to load the gold and take it somewhere, but my spell wasn’t able to allow us to listen in on the details of the order.
Counting our blessings, we decided to exit with our lives in a situation where combat was not an option, the taste and smell and feeling of undead ash permeating my entire form. The group was grim on the way back, keeping quiet once more, and it was a solemn and uneventful return.
If anyone has any information on the Skull Crew we saw up north, please place the information in the cubby under the stairs of the Potted Plant or in an appropriate log for review of the proper authorities.
-Roland to the Dark City Came