by Calmseeker | 24-August-2019 | Logs |
We decided to return to the lighthouse at Oogway’s behest. We discovered a corpse buried on the beach, but we decided not to unearth it. As we were fishing for dinner, we noticed a large skull nearby, and Oogway approached it first when we were attacked by slimes of... by Calmseeker | 17-August-2019 | Logs |
We heard a wild tale about a man getting approached by wild kobolds to the south. They ambushed him from the bushes and asked him about basic questions about where this island was and what the island’s name was. Nothing was stolen in particular, but it was disturbing... by Calmseeker | 14-August-2019 | Logs |
At Khora’s insistence, we set out for the Water Temple that she had visited before. On the first night, Wolfgang cooked stew with a rabbit he caught that fed us for the night. Khora woke us up about sounds of explosions in the middle of the night. We heard the... by Calmseeker | 10-August-2019 | Logs |
We searched along the coast for a mysterious lighthouse that had only been sighted recently. Considering how reclusive the island is, it was worth investigating a lighthouse that had appeared out of seemingly nowhere. We happened to see a lost chicken. Gaven tried... by Calmseeker | 9-August-2019 | Logs |
We traveled west to find a lost mine. A yuan-ti was collapsed on the ground. After being healed, the stranger named Serasstinn warned us of crazy knolls that attacked him and his comrades that were exploring the west. He was also comrades with a treasure hunter named...