by Fearless | 30-May-2021 | Logs
Dungeon Master: Calmseeker Player Characters: Balthier, Cavendish, Horace, Murdrum, Nalkris, Nuemu and Tenfoll’at. Salutations Reader, I hope that if you are reading this it is because I shared this note with you or you went through my stuff while I was... by Fearless | 6-February-2021 | Logs
GM: Calmseeker Player Characters: Gau, Don, Shrieker, Jyn, Zugall, Marcus, Tenfoll’at We heard that there was a road building project that has been on pause for a long time. A group of familiar and unfamiliar adventurers set out on this mission with a... by Fearless | 11-October-2020 | Logs |
Dungeon Master: Seph Player Characters: Cober, Eight, Gaz, Karn, Quinn, Tenfoll’at, Twee Salutations to you who goes through my personal belongings. I hope you are in my good book (good luck finding that one). My acquaintance, Gaz, organized a trip to check out the...
by Fearless | 8-October-2020 | Logs |
Dungeon Master: Tam Player Characters: Cober, Don, Emma, Karn, Nahil, Tenfoll’at, Tor Greetings, It is I, your friendly hobgoblin (If you disagree with that, stop going through my belongings). On this fine day, I was hanging out with Cober and discussing our recent... by Fearless | 8-October-2020 | Logs |
Dungeon Master: Tam Player Characters: Caslech, Cober, Gaz, Rake’Snails, Tenfoll’at, Tramenor Salutations, I believe by now you know who I am and my physical state at the moment (whether I’m dead or alive, or worse if HE found me). Anyway, this...