by TheOddity | 10-August-2022 | Logs
TLDR: We set out to rescue Merula and found where she was headed. There we fought the Chemist (Illestra), the Alchemist and a fire troll. They defeated us and imprisoned those that survived (Herogenn and Critter died) with Merula. Raq freed us we escaped, where chased... by TheOddity | 14-June-2022 | Logs
TLDR: After some trouble on the way we found a note from Destras sisters about some ruin where the river meets the ocean. When we arrived at the town bug-people were destroying the town and we followed them to Destras place where they trapped her. After getting... by TheOddity | 19-May-2022 | Logs
DM: Waylander Cavendish, fighter 7/warlock 1, leaderSun, wizard 8Dwaff, cleric 9Dimble, sorcerer 10, chroniclerDemona, paladin 2, sorcerer 5, trailblazerRig, barbarian 9, scout TLDR; we met a group of undead killing cultists. Undead skeletons, giants and a wraith.... by TheOddity | 22-November-2019 | Logs |
We headed out a party of twelve to solve a mystery embarked on a simple case, not to write history,of some missing milk delivery to ruined oak and found on a nearby farm a cunning bloke. He knew of a cure for the cows now suddenly ill and as seasoned adventurers we...