by Tootired78 | 13-June-2021 | Logs
Tl;dr : A group of adventurers deliver some sheep to the goblin village south of Port Mirandia. While there, they are tasked to find two missing goblins. Sadly the goblins were found dead in a cave with werebats and wolves. Exploring the cave seemed to lead very deep,... by Tootired78 | 12-June-2021 | Logs
Tl;dr : A group of adventurers left Ruined Oak with the intention of having a chat with some druids, but instead they were driven to defend a freed slave from his pursuing well armed captors. Then they were drawn into the search for a mysterious person by unknown... by Tootired78 | 10-June-2021 | Logs
Tl;ldr: A group of adventurers decided that the likely presence of a blue dragon nest must be investigated, posthaste, so off they went. Through the portal near Port Mirandia, they popped on over to GKE, then traveled east looking for dragon signs. They followed them... by Tootired78 | 10-June-2021 | Logs
Tl;dr: A group of adventurers brazenly follow the literal paper trail of a literal paper tiger dragon to a paper covered dungeon where paper monsters attack. Reams of paper were reamed. Our adventurers were hurt, some nearly dead, but in the end, the sword is mightier... by Tootired78 | 1-June-2021 | Logs
Tl;dr: A group of adventurers travel from Ruined Oak to the ZHT portal and return by land, all the way back to Ruined Oak. Many things of note were seen but mostly wurms. Giant wurms of many varieties. And a wurm mage. But everyone safely returned.Adventuring tip :...