News & Events
With Artix von Krieger

Hi everyone. It has been a long long time since I last wrote a log. Mostly because I had not been going on too many adventures. As the sky darkens and armies make their way towards White Moon Cove, I realized I needed to set out and help with this Tortan Stone situation.
Before I get to that though, I just want to say Thank You. Everyone that has been fighting against these forces of doom, I thank you. Everyone who has been keeping the people in town calm and safe, I thank you. May your brave deeds be sung forever more. It matters little if you were one that has been here forever or someone fresh off the boat, you have all proven yourselves to be legendary heroes.

On to that adventure I mentioned. Chemist, Naal, Zak, Eddings, and Joule told me about this city destroying bomb made by a god – Called the Tortan Stone. We had already possessed the arming pin, but it was stolen by some Kenku mercenaries that we then bought it back from. (I think, I mostly nodded as they told me, I was eating some sushi at the time.)
With a likely location known about where they were keeping this divine equivalent of one of Cysero’s projects…. I went out with them to retrieve it. Along the way we planned a joint assault on this base with the Wise Hoof Centaurs. They would be making a diversion to draw out the main forces of the base while we went into to retrieve the stone.
After we got to the location and had a good rest inside of Chemist’s mansion magic we set out. The Centaurs did their job perfectly, drawing out a large amount of the gnoll forces, allowing us to rip through their outer defenses. Inside of the base were a series of rooms with fake Tortan Stones, each guarded by stronger and stronger foes.

As we fought our way through Death Knight Gnolls and Invisible Talos Dwarves we eventually came down to the final floor. Inside was the real Tortan Stone, and a massive being whose every act was to call upon the end of existence.
With but a wave of his hand the lifeforce of each creature in the room, friend and foe alike, was assaulted. Zak and Joule took the biggest hits from this attack on our side, but the being’s own minions all succumbed to its life-ending pull. Joule, already exhausted from the previous fights and the first of these attacks, fell down tired and dead from the second. We would later revive her, but it was clear to us this being needed to go down quickly.
Completely resistant to magical assualt we opted for overwhelming force, Naal was turned into a Spinosaurus and I used the last of my divine power to smite the creature nearly to death. With a mighty chomp the creature dissipated in Naal’s toothy maw.

Now back in town…. with the Tortan Stone and Joule back to life…. we prepare for our Finest Hour and The Black Scourge
Bradwick’s FOT 1
I held the scroll out in shield hand, waved unfamiliar gestures while speaking exotic words to cast Banishment. The sound of a thousands trees waving in a storm showered us with sound as it crescendo into a pop. I asked the party to ready Their weapons for if it returned. It did not.
Destra faces herself.
We went with Bonnie to see Destra and the librarian to ask about Charlotte’s father. Bonnie had memory problems. We ran into Sylvester (Sly). The party found a black mass above Destra’s castle. I offered up a copy of his memories to the librarian for information on Charlotte’s father. The librarian asked us to look for Sizzle (Sly’s sister) and informed us that as a result of Destra’s spell going wrong, Destra was split into multiple versions of herself. The same thing happened to Vivi. Vivi combined with his other version and managed to persuade Destra to accept herself. To get rid of the black mass, we had to protect the crystal that housed the heart of the castle. We fought Rose and other beings that sought to destroy the heart, which was a golden acorn. The three versions of Destra combined back into one. Her spell managed to get rid of the memory problems that Bonnie had and the black mass. We returned to town with Bonnie.
A Little Moss off Morz Back
DM: Calmseeker Date: May 21- June 11, 2024 Level: 5-9 Risk: 6-7 Party: Galli: gnome, level 8 invention wizard. Alessio: human, level 9 multi class Killian: orc, level 5 totem warrior barbarian Beralt: bugbear, level 8 mutant blood Hunter Ardenn: kor, level 5 rogue...
Saving a farmer’s daughter from goblins
Party was called to help a farmer named Jameson plagued by hostile goblins. Jameson’s daughter Marygold was kidnapped by goblins. Discovered hideout of goblins that served Nerull. Managed to defeat goblins and save Marygold, returning her to her family.
A Silent Night
A Christmas one-shot module by DGM. Last session of 2023.
The End of the Master.
After getting a letter, we went to confront the Master. Gringal joined us but went ahead of us and lost to the Master. We entered through doorway in cave that was a portal to demiplane. Found cathedral where Master was, still possessing Destra’s body. Fought and managed to remove Master from Destra, leaving Master as puddle of shadows. Destroyed owl statues that Master used to hold onto his power. Gringal sacrificed himself to ensure that remaining owl statues would be destroyed and that Master would not escape. We left and destroyed the stone slab, destroying the doorway. Returned to Destra’s tree. Found that Destra had lost her memory.
A Clerical Matter of Time
After rescuing Beralt from the Master’s forces, the party travelled with Clair to find gnome Cleric and ask about Blue, the Master’s lover, and her daughter Destra. Fought evil spirits in the Small Folk Forest. Met Fizzle that could transform into a lizard. Celebrated marriage of newlywed halflings Darcy and Gillian. Fought Master’s servants Ilestra and Alchemist at Destra’s palace. Met with Cleric and his companion Stream.
Asked about how to save Destra who had her body taken over by the Master and how to give Blue a new body. Cleric said only Destra could give Blue a new body. Cleric then took us back in time to talk to past Blue to stand up against the Master for her daughter Destra’s sake. Also talked to past Ilestra. Returned to present and found that Ilestra was alive with new memories and relationship to us. She was no longer the servant of the Master. Cleric did not return to confirm whether Destra’s body was still taken over by Master, so we went back to town.
Live Events

Nov 11 @ 11UTC
Evacuation of WMC to RO
Adventurers are leading spider drawn carriages out of WMC to the relative safety of RO.

Nov 11 @ 16UTC
The Finest Hour
Talos, Cultists, Gnolls, all three armies have taken great loses through our attacks on their sites. Their best that are left are attacking WMC from the north.
-The stream for the Finest Hour will go live 30 minutes before the session start around 1530UTC
-Since non players will not be allowed in the voice channel this will be the only way to follow along
-We highly appreciate if you would tune into the stream and be active in our Twitch Chat. We are trying to use the finale are our 2nd attempt to having active Streams on SI, a big deciding factor to this will be player engagement with our streams

Nov 11 @ 16UTC
The Black Scourge
Grimmys and his Kobold Legions are attacking WMC from the south. Watch along through Discord, remember to keep muted.