Kobolds, ruffians and goo
DM: KCPlayers: Mal, Isaac, Mutis, Fridgeus, Martijn, Ramz-E Left WMC.Uneventful march.Hunted down some game for some rations.Discussed mild battle tactics/formation.Gorstag performed some eldritch ritual on his zombie.Shamsiel spotted humanoids moving by the road...Mind your Manor
DM-Darkhelm Players: Karash, Dust, Lyric, Abu, Chemist, Dwaff, Tarr Not too long after leaving the Swollen Tooth I spotted what appeared to be a recent landslide. The shifted stones from the landslide had revealed a large Jade column which stood very...In Search of the Shadar Kai
Seeing as we’ve made several attempts to reach the Shadar Kai, the trips has been combined into one longer one. Some information has been left out or trimmed. Table of Contents The location of Shadar Kai’s portalFirst VentureSecond VentureThird Venture...Getting wrapped up in the moment
Traveled with Rose to the land of WHI