by | 26-February-2021 | Logs
Game Master: Geokhan Date: 02/24/2021 Mission: High on a Mountain, I saw a Flash of Light Log Number: 6 The Builders Hello, it’s your girl Julijonas, your new Bard in town. I would say this was my Seventh adventure, but I’m not sure if the first one counts as I... by Geokhan | 11-February-2021
DM: Geokhan
Loction: Fantasy Grounds Unity
Date: 13 Feb 2021
Time: 16:00 UTC
Levels: 1-4
Risk: 6-8 depends on objective.
by Carric A. Goldeneye | 6-February-2021 | Logs
We didn’t actually make it into the Forge. Oops.
by Geokhan | 4-February-2021
DM: Geokhan
Loction: Fantasy Grounds Unity
Date: 06 Feb 2021
Time: 23:00 UTC
Levels: 5-9
Risk: 7-8
by Calmseeker | 3-February-2021 | Logs
DM – Geokhan Leader: Horace Skyhammer. Sorcerer 1, Cleric 1. Scout; Vivienne. Pugilist 4. Trailblazer: Blue. Monk 3. Chronicler and Cartographer: Venford. Wizard 3, Cleric 1. Other members of the party: Rona. Barbarian 2. Fighter 1. Murdrum Tyktahk. Sorcerer 1,...