Of Lost Cities and Lies

Of Lost Cities and Lies

Greatly Quashed Entrance We headed through the portal, only to realize that the Yuan-ti had set up around it, and they asked what our business was. We said that we were there to help their people with the “problem” that they were experiencing, but the...
Of Snakes and… Sewage

Of Snakes and… Sewage

We set out from town after chatting with Essya and Sariss, receiving their sealed report and the diplomatic note. We made our way north, seeing various woodland beings, and setting up camp on the coast. We discussed plans for our time in Tor Merr, and slept for the...
Of Giants and Gimlets

Of Giants and Gimlets

We took a quick trip to the Jub Jubs, with the following things happening on the way:Cober contacted another plane to learn that there are frost giants guarding ZHT.We also saw a whale on a gravestone, and some blue bananas 😉 We made it to the Jub Jubs , and convinced...
De La Migra y La Morcilla

De La Migra y La Morcilla

Headed out towards the mountains with the goal of infiltrating and destroying the talks dwarves. South of Ruined Oak, we saw some orcs who fled from us, and Eddings found a pouch containing the following missive. Here are your updated orders. Proceed to the pass to...
Of Power Shards and Planar Shards

Of Power Shards and Planar Shards

Note: This is a truthful explanation of the events documented in my other log, “Of Sand and Speed.” The following account is not public information, and will stay on my person unless extenuating circumstances occur. This account will not be published as a log in any of the taverns or inns.