Rabbit Festival at Clyde’s
DM: OatsyCharacters: Isaac, Peppington, Oni, Tar, Akita, Xeren It was with a small hope that I, Lidian Thouraday, ventured forth from Swollen Tooth with the aforementioned adventurers on a return trip to the Homestead of Clyde and the sisters Dahlia and Petunia ; in...Below the Upper Dark
A battle of Night and Day. DM-Mk Players Abutu the Owl, Nephthys the Spider, Jareth the other Owl, Abu, Eddings, Meraj, Lidian, Xenon, Dwaff, and Tar. Well it was a slow day and I had completed most of my list. Talk to buddyDrink some RumHarass Noble folksDrink some...Road Patrol
an encounter in the silent woods DM: Oatsy Players: Boo Dah, Maximus, Urias, Lidian, Tanathra, Tar. Well another day another mission, this time it was from the mayor or governor of Ruined Oak, who was hardly the person we wanted to say no too. So, we set off on...Croc, The Crocodile Hunter
I sit there with my head on the ground. I watch as it grabs Orianna within it’s maw and the crunch of bones. Her screams, in which I could not react to. I heard Eyvind, “Meet up at the large tree.”