by krforget93 | 11-April-2020 | Logs |
DM: Neal Party: IronAle, Thoradin, Rith, Antonio, Taishina, Sammal WE DID IT!! We have become the first group to build the first Outpost on the Island! Though it cost many soles to get this task done future adventurers will have safer travels thanks to us. It all... by krforget93 | 9-April-2020 | Logs |
DM: Seph Party: Dexter, Alyx, Daffodil, Nahil, Thoradin, Sammal *While i did not know how important these logs were i write this later than liked as i have overheard people talking about the events that happened during this adventure” -Thoradin We received a... by krforget93 | 8-April-2020 | Logs |
Session: Zip Zap Zoom DM: Seph Party: Thoradin, Rijax, Blue, Rein, IronAle, Daffodil The Party started out the day at White Moon Cove and planned to head to Broc O’ Lee’s cave to get some information in regards to hunting down a Fire Snake. On Our first... by krforget93 | 7-April-2020 | Logs |
DM: Neal Party: Daffofil, Thorain, Blue, Dexter, Sammal, Kavor We met with Damien Prince of the Guards townsman and gathered the party together and gave us the task f tracking down a fugitive that had killed multiple people. The information told us that the fugitive... by krforget93 | 6-April-2020 | Logs |
04/05/2020 By: Thordin Led By: GEOKHAN Party: Toradin, Daffodil, Jinx, Kavor, Blue, Dexter, Shoam Mission: The time of Felt Some fellow adventurers and I were hired to escort and protect some of the road workers from Ruined Oak as they labored on extending our reach...