
Uninvited Guest

Gringal’s Hut Trying to track down information on this ‘master’ is proving to be more twisted than swamp roots. After our last venture we learned the likely location of one of the masters spawn so we decided to track them down and see what could be...

Whisperings and Ravings.

Need a log of this as events are moving rapidly. Awhile back went to a farm that had flaming skulls and giant strange beetles attacking it, turns out one of the daughters was communicating with something she didn’t fully understand. Found a strange site...

Rotten to the Core

My first expedition in this strange land has left me with more questions than answers, as well as ominous foreshadowing that worse is to come. Together with an interesting group of companions we set out to help some local farmers being harassed by spiders and...

Something wicked in the Woods.

It has been some time since i have made a note of things. Most recently I travled with a small group to explore rummors of strange and foul things in the nearby woods. Alessio was a familiar face along with some new blood, a very interesting one called Misaka. The...

A partridge and a Pear tree!

I had been couped up for far to long inside the safety of the walls. After my last outing there were….. Complications upon my return and I have spent quite some time hidden away in my room. Deciding I could hide no longer and growing stir crazy as it was I made...