by Send Lewds | 24-July-2021 | Logs
Green... Red... Brown... Why do they have giant axes!? I’ve been told that taking notes and observations on all excusions in the name of Allied Freeholds of Katashaka should be made. Most reasons are for a system of accountability and backtracking for important... by Send Lewds | 19-July-2021 | Logs
The Trees may learn violence but violence can learn about the trees. Local Rangers Report Blighted Forest DM: Waylander [7/19/2021]Investigating Party:Alister & Yuna- Grave Warden 2Ithrael- Sorcerer 3Katla Gyrdottir- Fighter 3Silk Webweaver – Rogue 2Ihnyn-... by Send Lewds | 14-July-2021 | Logs
“People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” -Some guy 1781 History Lesson! Q: Why is there a mass of swirling darkness...
by Send Lewds | 24-September-2020 | Logs |
“Are we rushin’ in? Or are we going sneaky beaky like?”
by Send Lewds | 10-August-2020 | Logs |
On your feet Soldier, We got a war to fight! by Artist Name Welcome to the Front lines Today you’re going to learn about your...