by Tootired78 | 4-May-2021 | Logs
Tl;dr: A pixie named Lir flew to Port Mirandia to seek help for her home in the forest southwest. Her friends were being eaten by monstrous frogs. The group of adventurers successfully cleared the cave that was home of these creatures.Adventuring Tip : Your teeth are... by Tootired78 | 3-May-2021 | Logs
Tl;dr : There is still an unexplored something underwater in the cave near the shipwreck east of Port Mirandia. Somehow a group of adventurers, mostly those who could not swim well, managed to escape the watery cave depths with no casualties. They then decided to... by Tootired78 | 21-April-2021 | Logs
Tl;dr: A sea hag east of Port Mirandia cursed the survivors of a shipwreck because the wreck my have woke something sleeping. Kuo-toa altars and ambushes left our adventurers bruised but not broken. Session Title : Chapter 4: To New AdventuresSession Date : 21 April... by Tootired78 | 18-April-2021 | Logs
Tl;dr : Exploration of the Frozen Forest around the newly cleared ZHT portal went carefully, with no injuries. The group hunted a herd of reindeer with some newly made sabre-toothed tiger friends. An ancient druid circle was discovered and ruins with mentions of a... by Tootired78 | 14-April-2021 | Logs
Session TL:DR: Hired by Urag the Orc to retrieve a brewing recipe stolen by kobolds. The bigger smarter kobolds escaped with the recipe. Adventuring tip : The areas around our towns have dangerous creatures wandering around. Session Title: Hunt LowerSession Date: 13...