Field Research Journal Entry 26: Rehope Research
Cultists, Research, Altis, Blood Cult, Low Hills Region, Tabaxi Tribes, Chronomancy Magic
Cultists, Research, Altis, Blood Cult, Low Hills Region, Tabaxi Tribes, Chronomancy Magic
History, Lore, Battle, Elementals, Murals, Murky Water, Plant Creatures, Hyenas, Butterfly Swarms & A Sneaky Orc
The portal is cleared, the exploring has started. Primitive Humans, Strange Shrines, Fey Spiders & Stuff About Gian
Roads, Dinos, Ropers, Lycanthropes, Bandits, Trees, Dragons
Bandits, Wild Magic, Maze, Vines, Mounds, Viper Roses, Wishbone the Bandersnatch & A Tree with heads for fruit