by Carric A. Goldeneye | 15-May-2020 | Logs |
Day 1 A merchant named Joshua offered to pay us for retrieving a group of workers that was three days behind schedule. We headed west towards Swollen Tooth, and found a light in the night. We discovered two tents next to a bonfire. The tents were empty. We found... by Dekker | 11-May-2020 | Logs |
The party was thrilled to see Joule and I had a successful hunt, less so when they found out it was still alive.
by Mal | 1-April-2020 | Logs |
Turns out the demonic hogs were false advertisement
by Neal | 6-January-2020 | Logs |
“No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Katashaka is the less… any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never... by kro_celeborn | 30-November-2019 | Logs |
Day 1 We started off from a charming little inn called the Swollen Tooth, meeting our band of workers, and unfortunately, indentured servants. We set off north from there, coming to the end of the current road, and stopping there for the day. Night 1 The night went by...