
Were did we come form, where do we go?

So there I was drinking my mojito when a group began to gather. The GQE portal had been cleared but now came the time to figure were on this damnable island it laid. Knowing only that there was a coast to the east of the portal we hoped though and set our sights to the south east.

Of Ports and Portals

Of Ports and Portals

Day 1 We headed out, taking a lovely new lady with us, and made our way through the GQE portal. Hanna noticed something shifting in the shadows around the temple, but we did not investigate too much.  Heading south, we saw some black blobs off to the East, but decided...
Of Flames and Firbolgs

Of Flames and Firbolgs

Day 1 A merchant named Joshua offered to pay us for retrieving a group of workers that was three days behind schedule. We headed west towards Swollen Tooth, and found a light in the night.  We discovered two tents next to a bonfire. The tents were empty. We found...
Of Mountains and Mithral

Of Mountains and Mithral

Day 1 Went to MID, only to find that the ant-lion problem had been taken care of. Instead, we struck out Eastward to find this Duri’Manon fellow. We passed a family of brown bears, and sighted a wyvern in the distance, before happening upon a small camp on the beach,...