

Logs are in character written mission logs and reports.
These can be read in character to share knowledge.

This is the place to read up and prepare when heading out into the unknown!

Searching logs

Use keywords or keyphrases when searching the missions logs.

I Ain’t Scare of No Armor!

I Ain’t Scare of No Armor!

Our group of fine friends were:Free- A dwarf who's toughness matched his skill with that whip. (Barbarian2/rogue1) (Played by : Le Count)Narsil- A wolfen familiar of some kind? Their fiendish fire was something that was very useful to us! (Played by:...

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It’s raining, gryphons, cats and crabs?

Lugar- A plundering (Rouge 2) (Half-) elf of some kind. Nice guy, speaks goblin. I’d love to hunt for treasures with him any day. (Played by: Jamslog) Rattle- A nimble (Monk 3) and tweety bird (Kenku). The brains of the archaeologist group, speaking all sorts of...

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Next time let’s bring some skis

Tl;dr: A group of adventurers succeed in finding the location of keep of undead in the mountains east of The Frozen Forest. Future Adventure Notes:•Orcs from a tribe southwest of the ZHT portal attacked the outpost there, killing the guards and looting the outpost....

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Memory Lane

Summary: a group of adventurers continues their quest against the fae Master. Half of their group gets put into a sort of memory driven world where they learn all the secrets of Destra’s father. Reuniting Destra and her guards along with the spirit wolf given to her...

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Farewell to Tor Merr

Le Count The following events are all true. The names and dates have been changed to protect the innocent. Happy Jack – <Ms. Pepper> Beanstalk/Lumber Jack – <Professor Sly> Candlestick Jack – <Mr. Spirit Fingers> One-eyed/Giant-killer Jack – <Ms....

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Old Macdonald didn’t have a farm.

Tl;dr: Adventurers from Port Mirandia talk, cajole, bribe, help, instruct, etc. with the farmers of Port Mirandia, to convince them to join the reserves, with success at getting enough. Future Adventure Notes:•Vongrimath cultists have been periodically landing a...

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Every Limbo boy and girl

Tl;dr: To finish the siege workshop in Port Mirandia, some Kangdan Metal Ore was required. Following a lead given by Dojeon, a soldier, adventurers find some in the Speckhome Mountains. After doing so they took a little jaunt into a demiplane connected to the plane of...

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Nuclear Launch Detected

Tl;dr: A resupply ship, carrying bells required to complete the fort at Port Mirandia ran aground. Adventurers from Port Mirandia sailed around the coastline, successfully finding the beached ship, then the crew and then the bells. Future Adventure Notes:•The Fort in...

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For whom the bells toll

GM: Geokhan - APR 7 2022 Players: Nog 14, Katla 14, Griters 12, Barry 10, Twee 13Notice made by Mayor Eight to go find ship carrying new bells for Fort that is reported to have run aground and rescue any survivers. Party make quick travel on the good ship Not a...

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An Emotional Trip….

Session: To Tie up Loose Ends 18 March to 02 April Beralt, Galli, Slissezh, Rilan, Lyn, GabrielThis is my first log, and it is the saddest thing I will have to do. We lost a very good friend on our journey and She must be known about.  Galli was looking over the...

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To fish, perchance to Dream

Tl;dr: The completion of the fort at Ruined Oak required some scarlet velvet, which was acquired by adventurers from Vampire Earl Sitaris, in exchange for helping him cleanse an ancient temple of a continuously returning foe. Future Adventure Notes:•The fort at Ruined...

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There was success at finishing an outpost

Tl;dr: A second group from Ruined Oak was sent with seasoned workers to finish a partially completed outpost, with success. Future Adventure Notes:•The outpost southeast of Ruined Oak is complete.•Wyverns are bothering centaurs from the Wise Hoof Clan and giant eagles...

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There was an attempt to build an outpost.

Tl;dr: A group of adventurers from Ruined Oak go to protect workers building an outpost southeast. A moment of kindness brought about the death of many workers. Future Adventure Notes:•Raving madmen should probably not be given shelter that is within thirty feet of...

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Searching for cultists in a crypt

Mission Date: 15MAR2022DM: KR Damian / 8, Paladin 8 [@Waylander]Nunde / 5, Rogue 4, Cleric 1 [@Trulhammaren]Aodh / 6, Barbarian 6 [@rcb]Barry / 9, Cleric 4, Fighter 5 [@Tootired78]Vivi/ 5, Sorcerer 5 [@Konopa]Sapphire / 5, Sorcerer 5 [@Arden] TLDR: Party finds...

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Surprising Everyone, No Combs Found Beachcombing.

Tl;dr After some beachcombing for information about the Red Elk clan, adventurers go help sweep out some gnoll intruders at the Red Brick Fort east of White Moon Cove. Future Adventure Notes:•Found some notes, one regarding the Red Elk clan.•Gnoll and cultist forces...

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To Everything (Undead), Turn, Turn, Turn

Tl;dr: Adventurers from AFK continue the very dangerous progress working through a massive undead filled crypt below a cultist enclave. Future Adventure Notes:•There is a golden key in the crypt, that will open something, only one something. A choice is required. Also...

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Unexpected Spelunking

Tl;dr: A group of adventurers blunder around looking for a lost researcher. They wander vaguely in the direction they think he might be and find notes written by an unknown madman in a slime filled cave. Future Adventure Notes:•Do not frighten npc's before they give...

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Three missions later, all cryptics found.

The Third Cryptic Mission DM: Omelette Players: Rilan, Qar, Beralt, Chanterelle, Slissezh, Galli Date: 02/25/2022-03/14/2022 After leaving Whistle's Wonders with my new wood flute in tow, I skipped down to the Potted Plant to see if I could find another adventure. Our...

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Guide Got. Finder Found. Halflings Whole.

Tl;dr: The Council required the heroes of the island to deal with a threat to the existence of all halflings everywhere. We are happy to report they succeeded. Future Adventure Notes:•Against superior numbers, tight hallways can help turn the tide.•Fleeing from...

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UIF in situ.

DM: Waylander (PbP) - 02262022 - 03072022Players: Nog (14), Zak (15), Gau(14), Jyn(11), Jax(14), Dimble(10)Nog would like to begin this log stating that many important things happen on recent trip to UIF and the Nog will focus on those events and informations. Party...

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Wyverns, Dragons, Guard Drakes oh my

DM: CalmseekerDate: 12March2022Party: Barry, Coral, Kirnis, NundeRange: 5-9 -Day: 1 Today we gathered to build the GKE watch tower, but the workers seemed to be protesting. something about food poisoning. . . While we sat around discussing with the workers what we...

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Except For Those Darned Adventurers

Tl;dr: A quick stable cleanse then a murder mystery on this episode of Sleeper Island. Future Adventure Notes:•More cultist problems.•Amethyst dragons resist force and psychic forms of damage.•When in doubt, try fire to stop pesky creatures regenerating. Session...

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Want To Buy – Really Big Tweezers.

Tl;dr: Some goblins stole a cart of farming supplies, and were killed for their trouble, and their corpses made useful organic material for a sliver infestation that nearly killed the adventurers, who perhaps wisely, used the cart as an escape vehicle. Future...

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Clearing a cultist crypt entrance

Mission Date: 08MAR2022DM: KR Damian / 8, Paladin 8 [@Waylander]Nunde / 5, Rogue 4, Cleric 1 [@Trulhammaren]Sapphire / 5, Monk 5 [@Arden]Aodh / 6, Barbarian 6 [@RCB]Kirnis / 7, Warlock 4, Sorcerer 3 [@Genthrock] TLDR: Party learns about traveling cultists between two...

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Creeps and Crawlys translated

dm: genthrock date: 03/05/2022 hovf: sapphire (me!), nunde, vivi, xavier, oz bar’sah zva etta malth monleg dude thakk ahold avor vok oz aav jikablith “i thorv ukur stuff jeg alovath abakavith” oz voth verthol jikablith “sure askung ekk” zva voth alovath rir hja malth...

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Woman of Mystery translated

Dm: krforget date: 043/04/2022 hovf: sapphire (me!), furrball, stark, nunde, vivi, oz kadar zva voth headed euj ilv arzavaz euj ukur brevikrik thjold. Jeg aav haluth ilv ath traveling heth vivi bavta. Apparently cultists verthol sjolmz holes e hja. Jeg suspected...

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Creeps and Crawlys

dm: genthrock date: 03/05/2022 hovf: sapphire (me!), nunde, vivi, xavier, oz bar'sah zva etta malth monleg dude thakk ahold avor vok oz aav jikablith "i thorv ukur stuff jeg alovath abakavith" oz voth verthol jikablith "sure askung ekk" zva voth alovath rir hja malth...

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Samus, Secrets and Slivers

Samus, Secrets and Slivers

DM: GenthrockDate: 05 March 2022 Quest Objective: Requested by Samus to retrieve clothing left behind at a farmstead house to the north of Ruined Oak (was not an armored woman warrior that fought aberrations that could roll up into a ball and fire beams). Party: Nunde...

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Tilling the Dead

Party: Furrball, Kadar, Stark, Sapphire, Nunde, ViviDM: KRAPL: 3Party head east, to unlucky farmer I don't remember how far, boredom set in maybe one hour after we left Ruined Oak, party not very talkative, trudge along in silence but most were probably speaking in...

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To The Dark City Came

DM: NealSession Date: Feb 26, 2022Operatives:Twee - "Roland"Griters - "Bibliothecaris"Katla - "Ogre"Gau - "Mr. Rogers"Mission Report:Ogre spoke of a past occurrence, a cave leading to a land of Clockwork(Caves, cultists, and clockworks (map version) | Sleeper Island...

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Of Devilish deals and Made-men

Of Devilish deals and Made-men

DM: Calmseeker (feat. Neal) Gau (Druid 14, portrayed by Konopa)Marrak (Wizard 15, portrayed by DGM)Lysing (Sorcerer 12, portrayed by Geokhan)Katla (Fighter 14, portrayed by Arden)Twee (Ranger 9/Cleric 1/Fighter 2, portrayed by RCB)Zak (Fighter 12/Barbarian 3,...

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Enoakened Embassy Erected

Tl;dr: An embassy for the fey from the Forest of Thorns was completed in Port Mirandia. Doing so involved rescuing the Peacat of the Summer Court from the Shade of Stories, which was holding it inside one of the Peacat's magic stories. Future Adventure Notes:•The...

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Dr Evilus: Islandwide Man of Mystery

DM: Calmseeker Date: February 4th-19th, 2022 (PbP)Party: Balthier (10), Dimble (10), Orgeron (8), Alessio (7), Rig (8), Wheeze (10), Jyn (11)Jacaranda, one of the Phantasmagoria folk, asked us to find a sapling of the Telperion tree. We were told that someone among...

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Silvery Snakes….Watch OUT!!!

DM: GENTHROCK!!! Players: Atilla                Cha Cha                Rilan               Cherek               Stark               DanivoyA bunch of new faces and myself gathered in Ruined Oak as we meet a farmer that went by Samus. Mr Samus said he needed help with...

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Recon expedition down The Right Way

DM : DGM Tier: 5-9 Date: 26/2/2022 We journeyed to the mapped spot from Ruined Oak On our way we spotted a pack of hyenas scouring the land As we rested at night, a rat-person merchant approached us and spent the firelight with us. Outpost at the end of the road is in...

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Until Next Time, Dr. Evilus

DM: Calmseeker Date: February 4th-19th, 2022 (PbP) Party: Balthier (10), Dimble (10), Orgeron (8), Alessio (7), Rig (8), Wheeze (10), Jyn (11) We were asked by Jacaranda to get a sapling of a tree called Telperion for Port Mirandia's botanical gardens. Not knowing...

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Whisperings and Ravings.

Need a log of this as events are moving rapidly. Awhile back went to a farm that had flaming skulls and giant strange beetles attacking it, turns out one of the daughters was communicating with something she didn't fully understand. Found a strange site underneath...

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The law of equivalent exchange (Cryptic)

DM: Omelette PBP Date: 05/02/2022 - 21/02/2022 Party: 1-4 Qarlynd as Qar Naizz as Chanterelle SlyOkami as Brekker TheOddity as Slissezh Tiff_thatsit as Galli Have a seat ye landlubber and listen to a seafolk's telltale. Aye we set off from the glistenin coast of Port...

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What Does the Fox Say?

DM: Waylander Party: Sina (3), Barley (4), Nunde (4), Blubb (3), Vivi (3), Attila (2), Gulu (3) Date: February 13, 2022 TLDR: I joined Ms. Sina in a journey to the cold, wild land of ZHT. A fox who was not a fox led us to the "Book of Night". We visited a group of...

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Rolannmiton, Camping Guide

Tl;dr: A group sought Rolannmiton, Son of Altist for answers on various topics. Rolannmiton, Son of Altist needed to be rescued from a evil monastery but had foreseen this eventuality. Future Adventure Notes (not an exhaustive list):•There is a powerful spellcaster...

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Lasting Impact

Session date: 12 Feb 2022DM: GeokhanCharacters:Leader – Bardy Scout – Bardy Trailblazer – Zoren Chronciler – Bardy Cartographer – Gau I, Katla Realmswarden, and several others set out on a journey to find a man called Rolannmiton for Bardy. The others present were...

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A Road’s Finishing Touch

DM: Waylander February 8, 2022The GroupSwoosh 5Kirnis 7Glanfath 9Nalkris 9Dakka Doon 9GarGot 9ObjectiveWe set out with the goal to put the last miles of the road down, protecting the brave frontier workers and keeping a general eye on the area. TL;DR-Finished the road...

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Of Spiderwebs and Dust

DM: Waylander Shrieker (Dread Ambusher) played by KRGau (Little Fiery Druid) played by KonopaNog (Disciplined Hairy Bugbear) played by TrullhammerNahil (Entitled Sack of Dust) played by NealLysing (Gentle Giant-Souled) played by GeokhanNaal (Yours Truly) played by Mal...

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Below Blackchasm Keep

DM: @krforget93 Damian (Paladin 7) @Waylander322Hanbal (Fighter 6, Warlock 3) @GenthrockNahil (Sorcerer 8, Warlock 2) @NealCavendish (Fighter 7, Warlock 1) @TroyAneksi (Warlock 2, Sorcerer 2, Paladin 1) @SlyOkamiGarGot (Druid 7, Barbarian 1) @Tim Mission Date:...

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Road buil.. .. Snow Day!

Tl;dr: Some adventurers decide to take the dregs of the road crews out to work on a road but are forced to turn back by a massive blizzard after being ambushed by some orc-like shadowy creatures. Future Adventure Tips:•Probably best to leave road building four...

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Into the Deathsnow

DM: Geokhan (02-12-2022)Players: Nunde 4, Vivi 3, Aneksi 5, Morros 4, Rockin Rit 3, Attila 2To whom it may concern, The short version of the outcome of our surveying attempts are as follows. You might as well go find an iceberg to found this town on, you might have...

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