

Logs are in character written mission logs and reports.
These can be read in character to share knowledge.

This is the place to read up and prepare when heading out into the unknown!

Searching logs

Use keywords or keyphrases when searching the missions logs.

A snowball’s throw away and back

We set out into the tundra of ZHT to explore for a good spot to set up a town. We went around the portal area for a day, two of our number returning home afterwards. Spending the night at the outpost, we then set off west, a day out and we found a pile of massacred...

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The Divine Intervention of Lathander.

The Divine Intervention of Lathander.

Session date: 12 Feb 2022DM: GeokhanCharacters: Leader - Bardy Scout - Bardy Trailblazer - Zoren Chronciler - Bardy Cartographer - Gau The others: Griters, Katla and Nog Session summary: We went to find the Son of the Altist named Rolannmiton. Entered Hall of the...

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Bailer Balor

Tl;dr: A group of adventurers manage find and almost kill Gal'gathod, a balor that is trying to destroy various monoliths around the island as they are inhibiting some if its abilities. Future Adventure Notes:•A balor named Gal'gathod is the smoke entity that has been...

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Velvet Sabbath

Session Title: Return to Black Chasm Keep DM: KR Location: Fantasy Grounds Unity Date: 8 FEB 22 Time: 0:00 UTC Levels: 5 - 9 Risk: Risk 07 Death is likely. 1. @Genthrock(Hanbal/Kirnis/Fur) / Hanbal/ 9:Fighter6, Warlock3 2. @SlyOkami (Aneksi/Brekker)...

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A surveying in the silklands

DM: WaylanderLevels: 2-5@Trulhammaren (Nog/Nunde) / Nunde / Rogue 3 @Kiwi (Jyn/Gulu) / Gulu / Fighter 3 #3 @Moony (Eric) / Eric /Warlock 3 @SlyOkami (Aneksi/Brekker) / Aneksi / 5, Paladin 1, Sorcerer 2, Warlock 2 @Genthrock(Hanbal/Kirnis/Fur) / Furrball / Fighter 3...

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One axe warrior, iced.

Tl:dr: A group of adventurers escort and successfully build an outpost far southwest of White Moon Cove. While all the adventurers returned, many workers did not. Future Adventure Notes:•Outpost was successfully built, now possible to have three outpost stays...

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Road Survey for ReHope

DM: Geokhan (February 5)Players: Nog 13, Katla 13, Griters 11, Gau 12, Hanbal 8, Twee 12Nog manage to gather a group of friends to survey parts of the area known to the ReHope as the Lost Springs and attempt to see if a southerly land route could be found suitable for...

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Winter Storms Rumble on the Tempest Plains

DM: WaylanderFeb 3, 2022PCs:RCB - Twee, 12, 1 Cleric, 2 Fighter, 9 RangerWade - Griters, 11, 11 WizardTootired78 - 16, 1 Cleric, 15 BardTrulhammaren - Nog, 13, 13 FighterKiwi - Jyn 10, 10 ClericKonopa - Gau 12, 12 DruidArden - Katla, 12, 12 Fighter "Eight had a tip, a...

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(Not Quite) All Night Long: Part Two

Tl;dr: Another Elder Shard is successfully retrieved this time from the Mire of Bad Luck. At a high cost, though no adventurers died permanently. Future Adventure Notes:•The Mire of Bad Luck curse makes the best of successes into the worst of fails, multi-attackers...

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More than one thing in the basement!

DM: KRforget93 1-4 Fresh Meat 1. @Trulhammaren (Nog/Hammay) / Hammay/Druid 2, Cleric 1 2. @SlyOkami (Aneksi/Brekker) / Brekker/ Fighter 1, Rogue 1 3 @Genthrock(Hanbal/Kirnis/Fur) / Furball/ Fighter 1 4. @Budda (Ezra) / Ezra/ Paladin 2 5. @Arden (Katla /Sapphire)...

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Alright, It was @*&*$%# Yeti, OK

January 26, 2022 DM – Calmseeker In which a heroic band of Sleeper Island PCs valiantly do their chores.  Ruined Oak Botanical Gardens and ZHT portal outpost completed. Members: Dakka Doon: scout Nog: guy that kills all the things.  Should never trailblaze again...

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A shadows first adventure

Players: Dakka Doon, Kirnis, Nog, Wheeze (with Breathless) DM: Calm A nice man wanted us to go up into the mountains to find a beautiful golden rose for the newly constructed botanical gardens.  We were not sure where to go, so a kind lady named Rina was willing to...

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Shadow of the Colossus

DM: DGM Players:JackAtlasEclipseShy GuyDiscordMusic ManBirdmanMission Breiffed by Jack, Transpo provided by Snippet.  Destination identified as demi plane prison.  Failure results in escaped prisoner, success results in reduction of enemy strength.  Team assembled,...

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Sundered at Dawn

DM: Waylander Players:RCB - Twee - Level 11Arden - Katla - Level 11Genthrock - Marcus - Level 12Mal - Valorean - Level 15Trulhammen - Nog - Level 11Konopa - Eight - Level 16Team gathered at 220500ZJAN22.  Nothing inhibited mission start.  Quick brief by Tinder Box...

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All Night Long

Tl;dr: A group of adventurers by the thinnest of margins manage to have a few survivors after trying to tackle a Shadow Colossus containing two Elder Shards within a prison built just for it. Future Adventure Notes:•Two Elder Shards make things even more dangerous...

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Parental Advisory – Explicit Language

By: Le Count In which goblin Dakka Doon, relates the adventures of her and her party in acquiring the flag pole needed to finish a Port Mirandia guard tower in the colorful language of her people.  Bargaining with Apnar to forge the pole led to a chain of favors...

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Loquacious Stone

Tl;dr: A group of adventurers attempt and succeed at finding the tabaxi Garden of Stone. One of the goals was information on the location and story of Hortimus. They got the story but was told he was dead. To everyone's surprise he was just slightly alive in stasis...

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Smoke and Pillars

DM: WaylanderSession Date: 22 Jan 2022Player Characters:Twee - Ranger 8, Fighter 2, Cleric 1Nog - Fighter 11Katla - Fighter 11Eight - Monk 14, Wizard 2Marcus - Cleric 12Valorean - Paladin 6, Sorcerer 9 Previous Related...

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A Song of Ember and Stone

DM: Geokhan PlayersTwee - RCBGau - KonopaBardy - Tootired78Valorean - MalKatla - ArdenNog - Trulhammeren Related Readings:Visit to Grackisturgh – Contextualization | Sleeper Island EURoadbuilding, Mages, Stones and monsters | Sleeper Island EU "Following Damian...

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The Bear with a Bowtie

DM:TSI - 20JAN2022 Players: Ham'may (2), Stark (1) - Trailblazer, ZuggZugg (3) - Leader, Shep (2) - Scout This is a strange place, people are so loud. As I waited for the party that I had signed up to venture out with, I managed to lose myself in thoughts of home. An...

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A Beary Bad Day

Tl;dr: A group of adventurers set out from Ruined Oak intent on finding the bear NW of RO causing trouble. They successfully do so, but in the process discover a second issue in the form of a Hag named Isriam that transfigured an Arch-Druid and his daughter into...

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Fly You Fools!

DM: @krforget93 Damian (Paladin 3) @Waylander322Mafol (Fighter 2) @water2770Virith (Fighter 2) @TheOddityKoa (Barbarian 3) @KiwiKarthis (Wizard 3) @TrulhammarenMorros (Rogue 3) @Iceforge Mission Date: 18JAN22 Dedicated to: Koa, Mafol, Virith and Karthis. My brave...

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Nogs Expedition Initiative

Party DM: Geokhan Lvl Range: 10 - 15 Nog gathered a relatively decent sized expedition force, as we headed out to explore the unexplored we ran into a ritual sight, involving animal sacrifices. The meaning of this place perverted, to what reason we do not know, but we...

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Two monoliths. Ahh. Ahh. Ahh.

Tl;dr: A group of adventurers set out from White Moon Cove intent on slaying a group of wyverns causing trouble. They successfully do so, but in the process discover a second monolith with words written in three languages and a map indicating a possible third. Future...

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To Remove an Elder Shard

I am recording this log now, over a year after the incident, as to my knowledge I am the only one to reject the influence of a shard. Some preliminary information might be needed.  We captured the elder shard from one called Nylmir the Dream Eater at the cost of...

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Pitch Black Eyes

Party DM: WaylanderDate: 1/14/2022 We left from White Moon Cove early in the morning, making the decent time we stopped at the very first Outpost, on the second day we found tracks and found a Bug Bear camp, they were friendly and some of the party purchased Javelins...

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Tomb Clearing the Remake, with Snake People

Session Tl;dr: Adventurers from Port Mirandia are brought to a sacred Lapendi place to help deal with a problem deep within. discovered to be the Undead Yuan-ti Necromancer Netsoashua now Sal Netsoashu, The Adventurer's were to everyone's surprise able to defeat her....

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Beneath our very shore

Beneath our very shore

Session Title: Coastal ConstructionSession DM: krforget93Session Date : 11 Jan 2022 @ 02:00 UTCSession Risk : 8 (Multiple Deaths Likely) Characters: Twee (Goblinoid Gloomstalker 8/War Cleric 1/Fighter 1) (Played by RCB)Marcus Wellspring (Human Life Cleric 10) (Played...

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Of Dragons and Centaurs

Dm: krforget93Date: 05:01:2022 y. - 06:01:2022 y.Players: 1. RBC/Aodh/ Barb 52. Nick/Amber/Cleric 43. Arden/Katla/ Fighter 94. Genthrock/Kirnis / Warlock 45. Le Count/Dakka Doon/Fighter 76. Trulhammaren/Nog/Archeologist 8Party Makeup Day 1: We started out journay...

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Roadbuilding, Mages, Stones and monsters

DM: @Geokhan Party:Damian (Paladin 3) @Waylander322Ophidian (Fighter 1) @GenthrockKarthis (Wizard 3) @TrulhammarenZanras (Druid 3) @krforget93ZuggZugg (Fighter 2) @Arden  Mission Date: 08JAN22Summary for the impatient: Finished 2 hexes of road for the "Path to Right"...

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Off to work we go.

GM: KRKirnis leads another good group today Work needs to get done, roads need to be built, we take off and several days of traveling along the road, we eventually come across some jackals that seem pre occupied with something in the snow, upon reaching our...

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Road Building with New Peoples!

DM: Geo Party: Leader -Karthis           Scout - Karthis           Trailblazer - ZuggZugg "Zuggernaut"          Chronicler - Damian          Cartographer - Damian          ZanrasWe headed though the portal from Ruined Oak top the Newly claimed area of White Moon Cove....

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One Brick at a time

I find myself eager to adventure on these strange lands, I have not been here more than a ten day, and already the I feel welcomed by all of the adventurers here. Tagging along with these brave souls, we set out to protect the hard workers as they diligently build our...

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Construction Crew

DM: Calmseeker Party: Katla (Leader)                        Lysing                        Marcus Eight (Scout)                                      Naal                          Nog Shrieker (Trailblazer)                      A large group of adventurers and seasoned...

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No Hoots. No Nanny. Part Two.

Tl;dr: Adventurers protect a village from a siege of drow aligned forces. Owlysium representative request more help, can we give it? Future Adventure Notes:•The village of Bridlon was defended from of an attack of Drow forces.•The Drow by the UIF portal are pressing...

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Dragons, Centaurs, and Bones oh my

Kirnis's mighty party. Others complain of the cold weather, Kirnis finds this very hard to understand, this is no colder than the depths and it's monstrosities tame in comparison. Never the less many have layers of clothing that look to be very heavy. The mighty party...

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The Fountain of Aging, dead. Too soon.

Tl;dr: A group of adventurers sought out the Fountain of Aging across the mountains to the southwest of Port Mirandia. After finding it they disenchanted and then destroyed said fountain. Will there be repercussions? We will find out. Future Adventure Notes:•The...

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The quest to save Bagheera

DM:Geo Players:Konopa - GauWade - Griters My friend Griters said he would help me save my best friend Bagheera from being eternally turned into a ruby.  Griters is a great friend.  I was happy.  We left the town and headed down the road and my friend Bulgerious met us...

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An Amazing Story of Three Gemstones

DM: Waylander Date: December 29th, 2021 Party: Morros (3), Barley (4), Kirnis (4), Amber (4), August (2), Koa (2) We were asked by this man called Garrick to save the day and bring him back some stolen gemstones. He was brutally attacked by enchanted wyverns on the...

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Notes, notes and more notes.

Tl;dr : Adventurers from Port Mirandia successfully stop the awakening of a terrible Archmage by undead cultists in the Crypt of the Altist. Many notes were read. Future Adventure Notes:•Tons of lore to read•Blood King is a bad bad guy, imprisoned in a blood-coloured...

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Storming Skies in the ZHT Horizon

DM: WaylanderSession Date: Dec 23 2021 Dramatis PersonaeBarley (4) played by TooTired78Sina (2) played by RCBAmber (4) played by NickMorros (3) played by IceforgeAugust (2) played by AustPeren (4) played by Jonathan Hi hi! Sina here, hehe! So it went like this, So we...

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Continued infrastructure work and Katlafication

Session Title : An Autumn ExcursionSession GM : CalmseekerSession Date : 01 Dec 2021 @ 00:10 UTC Characters:•”Leader” and “Trailblazer” Bardy (Bard 13/Cleric 1) with Sisyphus the Pegasus•”Scout” Eight (Monk 14/ Wizard 2)•”Chronicler” Katla (Fighter 8)•Lysing (Sorcerer...

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The Four Days of Bridge Building.

Tl;dr: On the fourth day of bridge building, the fates gave to us : Four safe worker swarms. Three rounds of worm fight. Two magic-users, and a slaving bugbear warband. Future Adventure Notes :•A Bridge has been completed by an outpost southeast of Ruined Oak.•The...

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Of Honor, Worms and Bridges

VTT sessionSession Title: An Autumn ExcursionDate: 01 DEC 2021Level: 11+Risk: 6 Player List:1. Naal (14 Fighter/1 Wizard) From Mal2. Eight (14 Monk/2 Wizard) from Konopa3. Lysing (11 Sorcerer) from Geokhan4. Bardy (13 Bard/1 Cleric) from TooTired785. Katla (8...

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A farmer, a centuar and an evil doctor.

Play by PostSession Title: Across the Golden Plains05NOV2021@0800UTCLevels: 6-10Risk: 6https://sleeperisland.eu/mission/across-the-golden-yellow-plains/ Player List: Kiwi, Jyn, Cleric 10naiiz, Alessio, Cleric 1, Fighter 5, Ranger 1Omelette, Orgeron, Fighter 2, Paladin...

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Rumcaps and Boomshrooms

TL;dr: A group of adventurers try to find a Winery, discover that it is moving in time and space. They save a deposed fey Queen from some fey hirelings who wanted more money. Then nearly get lost in an enchanted forest, then encounter Garden of Flowers, who imparted...

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Four on the Floor (with cultists and lizardmen)

Tl;dr: A group of adventurers help a young woman try to find her missing mother and sister. Sadly the mother was killed in a coach accident, and her ghost was captured for the use by a cult. The sister was saved by some lizardmen and they had a happy reunion...

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