Logs are in character written mission logs and reports.
These can be read in character to share knowledge.
This is the place to read up and prepare when heading out into the unknown!
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The Birth of Ambassador GarGot
Tl;dr : A group of Adventurers try to help a lonely and afraid halfling from Port Mirandia. They get hints but have not much progress before a stroll on over to Ruined Oak. Future Adventure Notes:•There is something going on involving weapons in a small town name...
Gnolls of the Neathy Woods
Adventure arranged by Twee the goblin, inviting, besides myself and Avarace, for Griters the gnome Abjuration Wizard, Dakka Doon the brave goblin Rune Knight, Kaladin the stout halfling life Cleric, Yatari the faithful teifling servant of Asmodeus and Lore Bard and...
The Gang Solves A Mystery
Seaching for Halflings and Getting Distracted
DM: Revy Players: -Kaladin -Coral -GarGot -Barry -Balthier -Cavendish -Shrieker Our journey started in Port Mirandia where our group got together to investigate a report of a halfling running around crying, trying to get help. We tracked him down to a bar and listened...
1,000 leagues across the sea
DM: Calmseeker Players: Mal as Naal Fearless as Tenfoll'at Drewid as Cober Snek Troy as Uzza TempyVixen as Faenoa Konopa as EightThe first leg of our journey would soon be behind us, but the trek south was full of unknowns and although we had confidence, we did not...
Enemy of my Enemy, Is my Friend??
DM: Calmseeker 29/07/2021 Party: Jaymax91/Owren. Ben/Silk. Arden/Katla. Voidsearcher/Dred Location: Port Mirandia, Farm, Cave in Hills After a few sleepless nights and a lot of whimpering Owren mustered up enough fortitude to leave his room and seek out the remaining...
Spiders, Owl People, and More Spiders
DM: Waylander Party: Cavendish (Leader, level 5), GarGot (Trailblazer, level 7), Rekbi (Scout, level 9), Jyn (level 7). Date: 25/07/2021 We formed a party and traveled to the western side of the island in order to find a prison that according to a note other...
The Freshest of Meats
Owrens first forray into the market place begins with some tall folk giving him some side eye he approaches and introduces himself taking the rag tag bunch in with an awe struck smile, could these be his first adventuring party? That decision is taken for him when a...
The tarnished pride of the inexperienced
I've been told that taking notes and observations on all excusions in the name of Allied Freeholds of Katashaka should be made. Most reasons are for a system of accountability and backtracking for important information that might have been taken but not evaluated at...
Foolhardy expedition
DM: Waylander Date: 7/21/2021 Party: Katla 3 (Arden), Silk 3 (Ben), Aodh 4 (RCB), Brassimo 2 (Voidsearcher), Ithrael 3 (Moon) I, Katla Gyrdottir, and several others set out again to brave the cave system(2) that had killed Eagle, the entrance being just northeast of...
Incredible sights, unhappy finish
DM: Waylander Date: 7/20/2021 Party: Katla 3 (Arden), Silk 2 (Ben), Aodh 4 (RCB), Eagle 4 (Voidsearcher) I, Katla Gyrdottir, and several compatriots set out to explore a mysterious hole we had found. Several of these people were known to me, Silk and Aodh, but there...
The One Where The Finest Mind Is Lost Forever
Tl;dr : A terrible tragedy occurred on the latest work to build the road southwest of Port Mirandia. Several workers and one of the finest intellects of the age were lost to a pack of bird wolves. Future Adventure Notes:•Avert your gave when dealing with multilegged...
The Gnoll Warcamp fortress
Participants:Nalkris the Eladrin, male, normal looking elf except the green-spring like colourations to his skin and hairAvarace, the Jetblack raven familiar granted to Nalkris for his service to the Raven Queen Leofyr - Tallish half-elf, male, wearing a pair of...
Survivable failure
DM: Geokhan 07/17/2021 Party members: Katla Gyrdottir (Arden), Ithrael (Moon), Alister (Wanderer), Yuna (also Wanderer), and Xavier (Calmseeker) I, Katla Gyrdottir, along with several others set out to kill an orc, to fulfill a promise made to the specter of one of...
More orcs
DM: Waylander [7/19/2021]Investigating Party:Alister & Yuna- Grave Warden 2Ithrael- Sorcerer 3Katla Gyrdottir- Fighter 3Silk Webweaver – Rogue 2Ihnyn- Warlock 3 I, Katla Gyrdottir, and several others participated in a mission to cull some blight near Ruined Oak....
Might Makes Blights Right
The Trees may learn violence but violence can learn about the trees.DM: Waylander [7/19/2021]Investigating Party:Alister & Yuna- Grave Warden 2Ithrael- Sorcerer 3Katla Gyrdottir- Fighter 3Silk Webweaver - Rogue 2Ihnyn- Warlock 3My first contact started with...
An Unsuccessful Raid On Orcs.
The Party: DM: Geokhan Day 1: Our objective was to find a specific orc that had killed people. Hunting that orc would appease a spectre (I didn't question it at the time).Orc had crown before but no longer has crown. Katla and Ithrael also met exploding orcs before.We...
Vengeance for a Specter (almost)!
DM: GeokhanPlayers: Ithrael (Me), Katla Gyrdottir, Alister (and Yuna), XavierTLDR; We fought origami people made by a dragon, met some nice shape-changing catfolk, and had a fight with some man-eating orcs in their cave until we were forced to retreat. Also there's a...
There is no light
Tl;dr: Adventurers from Port Mirandia brave the darkness of the storm south of it to see how it goes. They came back the next day looking worse for the wear but we're sure nothing bad will happen to the citizens of Port Mirandia. Future Adventure Notes:•The darkness...
Staring into the Abyss
“People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” -Some guy 1781Q: Why is there a mass of swirling darkness South of Port...
Strange party, Stranger enemies
I, Katla Gyrdottir, and several others set out to assist an overly familiar goblin by the name of Decs in the acquisition of a crown. My compatriots were competent, if strange to my eyes. Aside from Decs there was a strange looking man by the name of Ithrael, a...
Crown of Madness
DM: GeokhanDate: July 9th, 2021Party : The ragtag band left Port Mirandia in the morning heading south in search of treasure based on the words of Decs. We made contact with a monk who told us about a crown. . . Decs seems like he wants the crown of an Orc, and the...
A not so honorable hunt
I, Katla Gyrdottir, as well as several others were hired by a vassal called Friskie, an old goblin, to assist the son and grandson of Lord Baldour Flaurence the first in an owlbear hunt. My companions were Aodh, a northerner like myself, Shish, a goblin priest of...
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, (It’s off to work we go.) (Part 2)
Tl;dr: Adventurers again guard workers from Port Mirandia as they work on the fork west off the road southwest of Port Mirandia. Sadly one attack kills a few workers, but happily the rest return unharmed. One adventurer was nearly a giant spider's lunch but was saved...
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, (It’s off to work we go.)
Tl;dr: Adventurers protected workers from Port Mirandia working on finishing the road to the southwest and then a fork heading west. A werewolf had the worst and final day of his life. For some of our younger and reckless listeners, the adventurers found some "Pillars...
You get a trap! You get a trap! Every. One. Gets. A. Trap!
Tl;dr: A group of adventurers set out to explore the mysterious tip of a pyramid that had appeared along the road southwest of Ruined Oak, near the outpost. They were found by a drow who was willing to pay them to adventure. While it sounds too good to be true it was...
Gilligan’s Island : Voyage of the Damned
Tl;dr: Adventurers from Port Mirandia decide on a whim to reenact the beloved classic play series Gilligan's Island as a living performance art piece. In their version, the ship is not on a three hour tour, but instead attempting to circumnavigate the Island....
The road less travelled, because it didn’t exist yet.
Tl;dr: A group of adventurers are tasked with guarding some of Port Mirandia's workers while they work on a road to the southwest. They fight an ogre, some bugbears, some bandits, some hydras, some ghasts and lastly a young white dragon. Surprisingly, all the...
The Flying Lemur Chieftain
by: Horace, June 21-21 DM: Geo Party: The party headed south, out of Ruined Oak, with the intention of helping some potential new allies, at the Circle of the Mango, with their mechanical thief problem. It turned out, we encountered some of the most peculiar beasts,...
Beauty is in the Eye of the…
"Usually, I try to make these logs formal, informative, and to the point, but with this mission a true descriptor of events doesn't really get the full picture....""I'll be honest, I've had my eyes and ears tracking these events surrounding the J'anice phenomenon for...
Aodh’s Romp through the Woods
DM: GeokhanDramatis PersonaeAodh - The Shaman of Suffering and our dauntless leader - Played by RCBBarren - We see dead people - Played by TooTired78Imogene - I guess size does matter - Played by FearlessDanivoy - The Hunched Forager - Played by SephZazoz - The...
Danivoy Notes ZHT 1
Tracks medium sized tracks wearing boots. Going from East to West. Found a Druidic warning with a symbol. The house is frequented by many said the birds of the house. The druids began building a nest. Squat gray folk. Way point of morgotha 3-4 tall wore skins of other...
ZHT Exploration, fox or squirrel Rorschach test
Tl;dr: Those darn adventurers just can't stop exploring the ZHT area. Their intent to follow a trail was thwarted by a massive blizzard, so instead they just kept on surveying the Frozen Forest. Things of interest include a stone shrine, a frozen lake, an observatory...
Into the West (and then back to the east)
Tl;dr: Some of our adventurers decided it would be a good idea to survey the newly discovered ZHT portal region. This group decided to go west. They found some abandoned homes, and the edge of the icy forest, beyond which was a forest in the full bloom of spring....
Journey to the edge of the Underdark
Tl;dr: Honest to goodness y'all there is an entrance to the Underdark near the goblin village southwest of Port Mirandia. Some of our adventurers trekked all the way down just to make sure. They "talked" with some myconids, and fought a few hooked horrors to test...
Between two rocs and a dry place
Tl;dr: Adventurers from Ruined Oak set out seeking signs of an ancient city. They were instead found by purple wurms, and rocs, and two different roving bands of machine riding desert nomads. They learned there is a tribal war of sorts occurring in the region...
Werebats and Wolves and Werebears! Oh, My!
Tl;dr : A group of adventurers deliver some sheep to the goblin village south of Port Mirandia. While there, they are tasked to find two missing goblins. Sadly the goblins were found dead in a cave with werebats and wolves. Exploring the cave seemed to lead very deep,...
Chapter 10: Getting Back On The Road / Of giant and Goats
DM: WaylanderPlayers: #1 Fearless / Imogène / Fighter 3 #2 RCB / Aodh / Barbarian 3 #3 Tootired78 / Barren / Sorcerer 2 #4 Nick / Amber / Cleric 4 #5 Genthrock / Kirnis / Warlock 3 #6 Mutis / Gorstag / Grave Warden 4Date: 13:05:2021 It started simple, with 6 sheep...
Beauty and the Demonic Beasts.
Tl;dr : A group of adventurers left Ruined Oak with the intention of having a chat with some druids, but instead they were driven to defend a freed slave from his pursuing well armed captors. Then they were drawn into the search for a mysterious person by unknown...
Field Research Journal Entry 30: Circle of the Mango
Druids, Bandits, Mechanical Hunters, Ratfolk, News of Qwen
Blue Lightning Strikes
Tl;ldr: A group of adventurers decided that the likely presence of a blue dragon nest must be investigated, posthaste, so off they went. Through the portal near Port Mirandia, they popped on over to GKE, then traveled east looking for dragon signs. They followed them...
Rock, paper, swords.
Tl;dr: A group of adventurers brazenly follow the literal paper trail of a literal paper tiger dragon to a paper covered dungeon where paper monsters attack. Reams of paper were reamed. Our adventurers were hurt, some nearly dead, but in the end, the sword is mightier...
A Bicorn, a Dragon and a Devil
Play by PostSession Title: The Tempestuous Winds Player List: Kiwi, Jyn, Cleric 7naiiz, Alessio, Cleric 1, Fighter 5, Ranger 1SpotHydra, Dwaff, Cleric 8Omelette, Orgeron, Fighter 4, Paladin 2TheOddity, Dimble, Sorcerer 7Drewid, Jelo, Cleric 4, Sorcerer 1krforget93,...
There and back again, the long way.
Tl;dr: A group of adventurers travel from Ruined Oak to the ZHT portal and return by land, all the way back to Ruined Oak. Many things of note were seen but mostly wurms. Giant wurms of many varieties. And a wurm mage. But everyone safely returned.Adventuring tip :...
Field Research Journal Entry 29: Clovers, Kobolds and Underground Mansions
Clovers, Druid Stuff, Black Scale Kobolds, Subterranean Mansion, Illusionary Castle, Last Outpost in the East
Freedom Fighters
Dungeon Master: Calmseeker Player Characters: Balthier, Cavendish, Horace, Murdrum, Nalkris, Nuemu and Tenfoll'at. Salutations Reader, I hope that if you are reading this it is because I shared this note with you or you went through my stuff while I was...
Meat the ropers (with fire and goblin werebats)
Tl;dr: A group of adventurers set out from Port Mirandia to see if they can determine the origin of a large fire spotted a few days previous. The source of the fire was a goblin village that had been attack by goblin werebats. The goblin village has some shady cult...
Up and down the Bone Tower
Tl;dr: Adventurers ascend the recently discovered Bone Tower southwest of Port Mirandia. To no one's surprise, the tower of bone is crawling with undead. Four floors of bone on bone action. Bone tower ends up destroyed in a cloud of white dust. No casualties with...
The Bone Tower
We started in an inn in Port Miranda and did our introductions. Afterwards we set out for the Bone Tower we saw on previous adventures, spotting some dinosaurs traveling south. Our druid Danivoy attempted to talk to them, and casts Animal Friendship on two of them,...
Hiking in the Wilds We started in an inn in Port Miranda and did our introductions. Afterwards we set out for the Bone Tower we saw on previous adventures, spotting some dinosaurs traveling south. Our druid Danivoy attempted to talk to them, and casts Animal...