Logs are in character written mission logs and reports.
These can be read in character to share knowledge.
This is the place to read up and prepare when heading out into the unknown!
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Forbidden Fruit
Party: Juilijonas Urbona, Griters Pebblefinger, Bardy, Honker, Marcus Wellspring, NahilDate: 4/1/21Time: 23:00Our hunt for the elusive peacock feathers continues, as we get sucked into the story one more time, Before us stretches a Magnificent Maze Transversing the...
No Road
Peren traveled north as scout to help build road. Departed with four others plus many workers. We find temple near shore beside sand garden managed by nice Dwarf. He let anyone stay. Safe place. We found bodies and got ambushed by barbarians. Workers flee one member...
Yatari’s Song Road: A Wack’A’Mole’s Tale
DM: krforget93 We left from Port Mirandia to continue Yatari's Song Road out of some kind of madness no one recognised. After being warned and hearing tales of the monstrosities that lay up there, we of the 1-4 catagory of adventurers made our way with a fresh and new...
Of Road Construction And Setbacks
DM: @Krforget93 Cedric (Fighter 4) [@Waylander]Valor Van Glorious (Paladin 1, Bard 2) [@Le Count]Kaladin (Cleric 4) [@Chrus]Bloom (Druid 2, Barbarian 1) [@Genthrock]Yondu (Fighter 1, Sorcerer 2) [@SlyOkami]Destiny (Sorcerer 4) [@Troy]Summary for the impatient:- We...
Yatari’s Death March
DM: KRDate: 3/31/21 Time 23:00 UTCParty: Kaladin | Bloom | Cedric | Yondu | Destiny | Valor Van GloriousToday Bloom met the party and all seemed well, we met some nice people digging up some sort of box, very thoughtful of them to remove it from the roads path. Then...
Road Construction in the Lapendi planes
DM: @Jacksus Cedric (Fighter 4) @WaylanderValor Van Glorious (Paladin 1, Bard 1) @Le CountSshateth (Grave Warden 2) @BillyDustyBloom (Druid 2) @GenthrockYondu (Fighter 1, Sorcerer 1) @SlyOkamiSummary for the impatient: - We are able to finish 2 hexes of Yatari's Song...
Roads and Nature
DM: JacksusSession: Road to Ruin: Old TownParty: Bloom met with group, group bickered about who scout, Bloom scout to stop the dissonanceFirst sunrise out met other group, groups talk… but group miss the ants moving from home road disrupt, little ants, so diligent....
Lapendi Life
DM: JacksusParty: Sshateth, Bloom, Yondu, Cedric, ValorMission: Construct Yatari Song RoadWe left from Port Mirandia and came across a tribal chieftan named Bracksus and his people. He leads the tribe of Lapendi. They are located towards the mound in the what they...
Tyrant Time
DM: JacksusParty: Kaladin, Sshateth, Gargot, Sneaker, Jelo, ValorMission: Assist in constructing the Yatari's Song RoadGargot saw some 'chickens' and decided to fight them. Ssharp and myself assisted. We saw a barn and some men spoke to us. They wanted to make sure we...
Cycle of Horrors
Session Title: Outbreak of Horrors DM: Calmseeker Date: 3/27/21 Party: SlyOkami/Don 9, Drewid/Murdrum 7, BillyDusty/Zugall 8 (leader, cart.), Wade/Griters 8 (chronicler), Fearless/Tenfoll/at 8, Genthrock/Marcus Wellspring 8, Mountain...
Field Research Journal Entry 21: Castle Moore and the Zerg
Wyvren, Undead, Zerg?, Vampires, New Allies
Into the Forge Citadel
PCs: Faenoa, Eight, Cober, Valorean (me), Aldwin and Kurl.DM: Geokhan. We met with the Dwarven construction team in Ruined Oak. Our objective was to guard them as they finished their base camp's defense while keeping the monsters in this fabled Forge Citadel at bay:...
Vanquishing Vampires
DM: Calmseeker Party: Zugall, Don, Tenfoll'at, Griters, Horace, Oros, MurdrumMission: Clear an undead coven Day 1: We headed out from Ruined Oak. Travel and camp was quiet.Day 2: We had another peaceful day of travel and we fought a wyvern at camp and met a half elf...
A Failed Rescue
Players: Nikotine (Imrae Duskryn)Carric (Vivi)Neuro (Gormin Rockroller)tiff_thatsit (Galli)Espada (Beralt)Nastaris (Bo) DM: Anca Session start: Wednesday, 17:00 UTC, 24th of February 2021 This will be the first time I'll be writing a report, but since I'm getting...
Outposts. . .
DM: CalmseekerParty 5- 9Zerdan, Balthier, Don, Zugall, Marcus Wellspring, Bardy, GritersSome time ago I was conscripted to help protect some workers while they built an outpost, as we delve deeper into this Island sometimes I find myself wondering, Who built the...
Altist Peregrination
DM: GeokhanPlayersBalthier (Konopa#7148)Caslech (Sir_Jynx#9343)Ildan (Silva#6912)Murdrum (Drewid#2248)Nahil (ThatsAFiftyDKPMinus#3436)Tenfoll'at (ζ͜͡Fearless#8351) OOC Date: Saturday, March 20, 2021 The Journey BeginsBeing the avid sociocultural anthropologist I am...
Seeking Tremors
DM: @CalmseekerPlayers:Ander (Paladin 4) [@Waylander322]GarGot (Druid 3, Barbarian 1) [@Tim]Sneaker (Rogue 4) [@Mutis]Oros (Paladin 2, Bard 2) [@kudolink]Jelo (Cleric 3, Sorcerer 1) [@Drewid]Destiny (Sorcerer 4) [@Troy]Summary for the impatient -We investigated into...
Field Research Journal Entry 20: What In Tarnation Outpost
The Walking Plants, Venom Troll, Purple Wurms, Earth Genasi
Gardening with Don, The Witchknight, Episode 2
The Squad: 5-9 DM: Calmseeker Zerdan - Scout Zugall - Leader Balthier - Cartographer Don - Portable hospital Bardy - Trailblazer Marcus - Portable hospital Griters - Griters The Path: Location of Outpost Tarnation We began at ruined oak, and right after exiting we...
At the End of the Rainbow.
DM: KRParty Zugall, Bardy, Marcus, Balthier, Griters, Tenfoll'atRain gave way to a rainbow, a mysterious island. . . You would think that we would learn but we do not. A group of us decided to head out and see what lay at the end of the rainbow, Luckily a folding boat...
The Call of Urag’s Horn
DM: Neal PC’s: Uzza, Tar, Aldwin, Eight Upon our previous meeting our hunting guide and employer Urag granted me a horn. The horn once blown would summon Urag and his sister if they were close by. Remembering that there was a second hunting objective in...
What in Tarnation?
DM: CalmseekerMission: Build Fort TarnationParty: Zugall, Marcus, Balthier, Zerdan, Bardy, Griters, DonDay 1: We set out from Ruined Oak towards the west. While traveling we saw a Pegasus that decided to grace us with its presence. We had a short chat with it and it...
Field Research Journal Entry 19: Emerald Isle at the End of the Rainbow
Leprechaun, Lucky Coins?, Pot of Gold, Rainbows, Ruins, Elementals and something huge.
Unlucky Leprechaun
Party: Marcus, Balthier, Tenfoll'at, Bardy, Zugall, Griters“Luck is what we make it, not what is thrust upon us. You’ve shown initiative and it has nothing to do with luck.” -George BellairsMission: Investigate whats at the end of the Rainbow near PMDay 1: We headed...
Seven Pt. 2
Game Master: JacksusDate: 09/03/2021Time: 23:03-02:58Mission: Road to Ruin: Cavernous Appetite (Trail DM Session)Log Number: 9Undead Goblin Slayers: Julijonas Bard 4 GarGot Druid 3/Barbarian 1 Ch'aska Barbarian 3/Wizard 1 Jelo Cleric 2/Sorcerer 1 Cedric: Fighter 2...
Gaining Favor With The Kovachis
DM: @JacksusPlayers: Cedric (Fighter 3) [@Waylander322]Jelo (Cleric 3, Sorcerer 1) [@Drewid]Sileah (Druid 2) [@Allustrous]Sneaker (Rogue 3) [@Mutis]Kaladin (Cleric 4) [@Chrus]Mih-Nah-Go (Monk 2, Barbarian 1) [@D20 NERD] Summary for the impatient: - We met Pietrov...
Dead By Don – The Hunt for the Winter Wraith
Players: DM: Geokhan Saturday, March 13th, 18:00 UTC 5-9 Session We began the march from Port Mirandia, immediately pausing outside the town as we noticed a digsite. Finding footprints, we followed them to the shore north east where we found a craig perfect for hiding...
Of Power Shards and Planar Shards
Note: This is a truthful explanation of the events documented in my other log, “Of Sand and Speed.” The following account is not public information, and will stay on my person unless extenuating circumstances occur. This account will not be published as a log in any of the taverns or inns.
Dancing with Giants and Dragons
Session Title : Giants and DragonsSession Date : 12 March 2021DM : CalmseekerCharacters:-Balthier (Rogue 7)-"Scout" Bardy (Bard 7, Cleric 1)-Don (Cleric 8, Sorcerer 1) with Colonel (a horse) and the Apparatus of Atherton-"Trailblazer" Glanfath (Barbarian...
Of Sand and Speed
A remarkably mundane trip to SQW
Field Research Journal Entry 18: Big and Cold Things
Fire Sap, Giants, Dragon, More Giants, More Dragons
A Giant of a Time
Party: Glanfath, Balthier, Marcus, Zugall, Griters, Bardy, DonMission: Vengeance for the MerchantWe came, We Saw, We Conquered. -Julius CeaserDay 1: We headed out from Port Mirandia with seven members. The travel was uneventful. Camp was peaceful.Day 2: We ran into a...
Into the Woods…Out with the voices
DATE: 03/12/2021 23:00UTCGM: NealParty:Geo | Lysing | Sor 10Troy | Uzza | Wlk 11Tempy | Faenoa | FtrWiz 10Tam | Joule | BrbFtr 14Leader: FaenoaScout: FaenoaTrailblazer: Joule Mission: Help the big Urag orc guy go kill things in the Whispering Woods Mission: Help the...
Critical, Critical, Critical
Game Master: krforget93 Date: 05/03/2021 Time: 0:14-4:37 Mission: Return to Blackchasm Keep Log Number: 8Crit Victims: Minago Barbarian 1/Monk 2 Mr. GarGot Druid 3/Barbarian 1 Gottlieb Paladin 3 Bran Deceased Julijonas Bard 4 Jelo Sorcerer 1/Cleric 2Hey everyone, it’s...
Landra’s Undead Goblins
DM: @JacksusPlayers: Cedric (Fighter 2) [@Waylander322]Jelo (Cleric 2, Sorcerer 1) [@Drewid]Destiny (Sorcerer 3) [@Troy]Julijonas (Bard 4) [@RedIron]Cha'ska (Barbarian 3, Wizard 1) [@TempyVixen]GarGot (Druid 3, Barbarian 1) [@Tim]Summary for the impatient - We go...
Game Master: Jacksus Date: 02/03/2021Time: 23:40-3:40 Mission: Road to Ruin: Hunger Games (Trial DM Session) Log Number: SevenGoblin Slayers: Julijonas Bard 4Mr. GarGot Druid 3/Barbarian 1Destiny Sorcerer 3Gottlieb Paladin 3Minago Barbarian 1/Monk 1Bran Paladin...
A tale of sugar, a tavern and a bearshark
DM: @Geokhan Players: Jelo (Cleric 2/ Sorcerer 1) [@Drewid] Ander (Fighter 2) [@Waylander322] GarGot (Druid 4) [@Tim] Julijonas (Bard 4) [@RedIron] Lyle (Bard 2) [@Budda procrastinates too much] Sneaker (Rogue 3) [@Mutis]Section 0: The market and heading out of PM Our...
Defeat to the Honorable Lord of Sorrow Mountains
Nalkris + Avarace, the most fantastic Raven in the world along with a Eladrin Servant of the Raven Queen (Warlock)Jub - Good with bugs and trees, and he will help and kill us, and cook for us, nice fellah.Don - Short wood-elf in armor, she has scrolls as well, and a...
Undead Flux
GM: GEO5-9Mission Date: 3/6/21Mission Name: Soul for a SoulParty: Friends, I am grateful that I am able to write this log, the group that volunteered their time and strength to clearing out the nest of the Undead has born fruit. Strangeness abound with Sorrow...
The path of Redemption
DM: SephDate of mission: 3/5/21Title of mission: Brand New HorizonsParty: I will try to make things short this time around, First we set out to return a scroll called the "Celestial Spider" to Lady Moonflower. And Second we helped Balthier bring his daughter to the...
Adventures in the Jagged Mountains
DM: Geokhan Players: Nalkris, Jub, Don, Marcus Wellspring, Zugall Date: Feb 27, 2021 Jub promised to write this for friend Nalkris. Jub not best writer but Jub will do best. Walking west for a day from the town by the sea we reached another town. Small...
Purple Power
Party: Jyn, Balthier, Zugall, Marcus, Murdrum, DonMission: Take Celestial Scroll to Lady MoonflowerSide Objective: Speak with Ja'nIt is the power of the mind to be unconquerable. -SenecaDay 1: We left from Ruined Oak and during the first day of travel we found a...
Terrible Tunnels and Tombs
@D20 Nerd / Minago / Bugbear / Barbarian 1-Monk 2 @Tim / GarGot / Goliath / Druid 3-Barbarian 1 (Scout) @LtAugie / Gottlieb / Half-Elf / Paladin 3 (Leader) @Waylander / Bran / Half-Elf / Paladin 2-Warlock 1 (Chronicler & Cartographer) @RedIron / Julijonas /...
Field Research Journal Entry 17: Militia Training
Training Fighters, Training Rangers, Following Leads, Ogres, Goblins and Worgs
Stronger Together
DM KR5-9Party: Zugall, Lysing, Marcus Wellspring, Yatari, Balthier, GritersMission Date 3/3/2020Mission: Train the MilitiaTecumseh himself famously said : “A single twig is easily broken, but a bundle of twigs is strong.”I will not bore you with everything that goes...
Dangerous Goblins, Bugbears & Sorcery
Julijonas / Half-Elf / Bard 4 GarGot / Goliath / Druid 3-Barbarian 1 (Trailblazer) Destiny / Human / Sorcerer 3 Gottlieb / Half-Elf / Paladin 3 (Scout) Minago / Bugbear / Barbarian 1-Monk 1 Bran / Half-Elf / Paladin 2-Warlock 1 (Leader & Chronicler) DM: jacksus...
The Importance of Soap
Party: Zugall, Lysing, Marcus, Yatari, Balthier, GritersMission: Train the MilitiaAppear weak when you are strong and appear strong when you are weak. -Sun TzuDay 1: We were introduced to Rotdan the Gaurd Captain. He asked us to train the new recruits and said we...
Rescue Mission Near Ruined Oak
DM: @Jacksus Players: Bran (Paladin 2, Warlock 1) [@Waylander322]GarGot (Druid 3) [@Tim]Destiny (Sorcerer 3) [@Troy]Gottlieb (Paladin 3) [@LtAugie]Julijonas (Bard 4) [@RedIron]Minago (Barbarian 1, Monk 1) [@D20 NERD]Summary for the impatient - We went on a rescue...
The Grey Gulch
Party: Fanoa, Murdrum, Balthier, Marcus, Zugall, BardyMission: Build the Grey GulleyIf you build it, they will come. -Ray KinsellaDay 1: Travel was smooth and camp was restful.Day 2: The workers started building the road and we found something dead with a bite out of...
Sorrow Mountains
DM: GEO5-9Date Feb 27, 2021Party: I will open up by saying this, We knew the path ahead would be hard and we all agreed to the dangers, still this day is a sad day for it has lead to the imprisonment of a Noble Adventurer known to many as Nalkris Tyrneaundlin by a...