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King Zix

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Brief Summary

King Zix is the leader of a kobold clan friendly to White Moon Cove He can possibly provide laborers for construction projects and other work.

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Old Map Pin | New Map Pin

Alignment: Lawful/Neutral/Chaotic/Unknown | Good/Neutral/Evil/Unknown 

Faction: The Zixdom

“Here lies the home of the Zix, King of the Kobolds. The trail to the cave is easy to spot from the main road and upon entering the cave just follow the arrows. You will reach a raised drawbridge after some time. Holler out that you are from WMC then show the Kobolds a WMC armband and the Kobolds will let you inside. Close to the guard post there is a partially carved out inn or you can travel deeper into the city.

BEWARE: If you travel off the main path inside the tunnel when heading to Zix you will get lost. We tried to take a shortcut and ended up stumbling into a den of Black Dragons that are friendly with the Kobolds but not with us. We also spotted these dragons flying south towards the swamp during the night along with patrolling the aria off the road. Stay safe.”

Yog the Snapper

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