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The Way Orcs

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Picture of Notable Member, Insignia, or Map followed by relevant information

Brief Summary

Most of the information is currently located here.

Recent Activity

This is where you write about your significant recent dealings with this Faction.  Include links to relevant places and/or logs.


This is where you write about past dealings with this Faction.  Include links to relevant places and/or logs.


Old Map Pin | New Map Pin  (Link to Miro notes.  Look for 3 dots in the top right of the note to find the link)

Alignment: Lawful/Neutral/Chaotic/Unknown | Good/Neutral/Evil/Unknown 

Notable Members:


Notable Member #1

Notable Member #1


Summary of Recent Dealings and History

Notable Member #2

Notable Member #2


Summary of Recent Dealings and History

“Log quote”

Title of Log linked to log

Character Name

“Log quote”

Title of Log linked to log

Character Name

“Log quote”

Title of Log linked to log

Character Name

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