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Talos Dwarves
Brief Summary
The Talos Dwarves could be considered a cult, a military force, or a splinter group. Their current numbers are unknown but were estimated to be around 200 at their peak. The group is mostly active around the Western mountain range but have been spotted as far East as the Tempest Plains. The Talos Dwarves have an adversarial relationship with the residents of White Moon Cove and should be considered “Kill On Sight”.
At the height of their power, the Talos Dwarves were not afraid to field fifty of their number against a group of six adventurers. They have their own casters and priests; beware of counterspell. They’re also tacticians to a man, using cover and range to their advantage. Their insignia (when worn) is a triple lightning bolt.
Recent Activity
Mutual discovery led to a series of skirmishes between the Talos Dwarves and White Moon Cove adventurers. An artifact was fought over which may hold the key to disabling some of the island’s defenses. Ultimately, the presence masquerading as Talos was revealed to be a demon named FuzeBlaze. Large operations where planned and executed against FuzeBlaze’s seat of power: Dumathorn. Refugees, dwarves who escaped the demonic influence, were organized into resistance fighters and proved irreplaceable allies. At great cost to both the Resistance and White Moon Cove the demon was driven from the citadel and most of the dwarves were freed.
It is possible that some dwarves, though free from influence, cling to the worship of Talos and have fled to the lost citadel known as The Forge. Efforts are underway to seek out these remnants and destroy them.
Dwarves immigrated to Katashaka en mass long before the latest wave of settlers. From their original citadel, called New Hope, they spread Northwest along the mountain range. Several more strongholds were established the first being Ironstriker. This second citadel was supposed to be a trade hub but war broke out with the Orcs of The Way. The Dwarves dug deep beneath the mountain pass to established The Forge and then Dumathorn. These deep tunnels intersected with the infinite caves of the Underdark and soon the Dwarves were caught between the Orc and Drow forces.
The Dwarves managed to seal off the tunnels leading to The Forge, keeping their weapons from falling into the wrong hands, but could not save Iron Striker. Eventually, the dwarven center of commerce fell and the survivors fled back toward New Hope… pursued by the Orc and Drow. Two important figures, Winderlim Granite Bell and Ulbraken, attempted to retake Iron Striker by way of Wish. The Council came down hard on them. Without these leaders New Hope soon followed Iron Striker and fell to the enemy forces. Most died. Few managed to flee.
Alternative sources say that Wish was cast only in response to New Hope falling. The combined suffering of the Dwarves at Drow and Orc hands gave rise to The Shade. Little is known of The Shade but it was possibly sealed within the ruins of New Hope by a casting of Wish. Dwarven history gets understandably spotty here. Those few who survived, fled. The bulk of a written history must be weighed against the supplies it would displace. What good is a book if no one is around to read it?
Nevertheless, at least one such text survives and is held in the Neathy Woods.
Some oral history survives as well. Nothing has been recorded of The Forge but it is said that, as the Dwarves continued to battle the Drow, Dumathorn fell under the influence of a demonic presence. A new order rose what was supposed to be the Dwarve’s center of worship. This separatist movement called themselves the Talos Dwarves and converted or enslaved all they could. Enter: White Moon Cove.
The Talos Dwarves have been beaten back but not defeated. The demon FuzeBlaze was banished by our Heroes. Once the survivors and refugee’s organize, or the opposing forces are defeated, it may be proper to align this history under the new Dwarven faction (Rehope?) and relegate the Talos Dwarves to a footnote in history. Until then, this will serve as a good primer for both.
Old Map Pin | New Map Pin
Alignment: Unknown | Evil
Notable Members:
Notable Member #1
Summary of Recent Dealings and History
Notable Member #2
Summary of Recent Dealings and History
“Log quote”
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“Log quote”
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“Log quote”
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