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Rekbi the Friendly Shadow
Rekbi the Friendly Shadow
Born in a Kobold Lair and set out to explore the world, after a couple of years training under a Mage Master Shadow seemed like the path to take, as such the path of the Shadow Assassin was born.
Born in a Kobold Lair and set out to explore the world, after a couple of years training under a Mage Master Shadow seemed like the path to take, as such the path of the Shadow Assassin was born.
Pets and Companions
The Crafting Corner
Known Crafting
Known Recipies per crafting
Novice – Learned Recipes
Basic Blast Oil
Basic Lightning Oil
Basic Poison Coat
Basic Flame Oil
Basic Frost Oil
Intermediate – Learned Recipes
Greater Blast Oil
Greater Flame Oil
Advanced – Learned Recipes
Exceptional Blast Oil
Exceptional Flame Oil