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Wisehoof Centaur Clan
Picture of Notable Member, Insignia, or Map followed by relevant information
Brief Summary
The Wisehoof Clan are Centaurs who live on the plains. Ishah at first and then migrated north toward Tempest Plains. They have returned to Ishah due to Gnoll Activity.
They are lead by Khiron Wisehoof
Nomadic by nature they prefer the free open air to cities but are interested in trading/bartering for supplies needed to protect their clan.
Recent Activity
We have most recently ran into Khiron and the Wisehoofs as they patroled the road north of the crater in Ishah Plains. We told them to send a representative to Ruin Oak to speak to Rehope delegates about trade for bows and arrows.
The first meeting with the Wisehoof Clan came outside of the Blood-Eye village. They were taking refuge outside of the walls recovering from a gnoll attack. Khiron said he would appreciate if the adventuerers would retrieve their war banner. He sent one of his clanmates with us. This Centaur was named Ferenzi and he helped ustrack down the Gnolls who stole the banner.
We are currently on good terms and working to make those relations better. We have no real location of a place they stay as they are nomadic and have been roaming the eastern plains of Katashaka fora while now.
They fly a red war banner.
Notable Members:
Notable Member #1
Summary of Recent Dealings and History
Notable Member #2
Summary of Recent Dealings and History
“Log quote”
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“Log quote”
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“Log quote”
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