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The Great Khenran Empire

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Shashotep, Capital of the Great Khenran Empire

Brief Summary

The Great Khenran Empire (or simply the GKE or the Khenra) is a civilization primarily composed of jackal-headed humanoids (whom, by the way, are deathly allergic to chocolate) located in the Desert of Flies (what they call New Amonkhet) and based in their capital city of Shashotep.

Recent Activity

Recent events have brough to light the realization that the Great Khenra Empire split off from another group near what we called the SQW, their New Anonmin, called the Great Khenra Monarchy, another desert in the far south of the continent. They have asked for our help in the coming conflict with their cousins of the Monarchy, lest they fall into the grasp of their former imperial ways. The Department for Interspecies Relations has given us numerous missions, through our Ambassador-in-Chief Zak Songheart to aid them in this coming war.


In eons past, the Ancient Khenran Empire was the predominant force of humanoids on the island, enslaving entire races and expanding their territory far past the bounds of the desert. However, at some point long ago, their empire was shattered – presumably by the Council – and they are now a shadow of what they used to be and are clamoring to reposition themselves as a power on the island.


Shashotep Map Pin

Alignment: Lawful, Presumably Neutral 

Their government is lead by a monarch, the King, who is to be succeeded by Princess Letia. Below them seem to be multiple “Departments,” each with its own head.

Notable Members:




Diplomatic Liaison to the AFK

A genuine person interested in furthering our diplomatic relations. Lives in the House of Heralds embassy in Ruined Oak.



Head of the Department of Security

Has sent the AFK on covert missions under the nose of her government. Outranks General Bahdur significantly.

General Bahdur

General Bahdur

Head of the Department of Defense

Does not particularly like Zak, Snowball, and Company. Wants to use the AFK as a mercenary band. Is a generally dislikable person.



Head of the Department of Agriculture

Up in age, likes to garden. Supplied Zak and Co. with valuable herbalism implements, as well as sending them on a mission into DRM.

“Log quote”

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“Log quote”

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“Log quote”

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